The Q: What was the worst game you ever played?

dqLet’s face it. We all have gone to the "bargain bin" to fish out some questionable games because they were cheap or on sale. Other times, we make an impulse buy on a game without really knowing too much about it. But regardless, we all have played a game that literally makes our lives less enjoyable and shortened our life spans by a couple of precious hours.

For me, my Alamo for games was IHRA Racing 2 for the PS2 several years ago. Now the strangest part of all of this was that this game was in its second edition. If the second edition was an improvement over the first one, I can only imagine how bad the first one was. Interestingly enough, the game was developed by none other than Bethesda Softworks. I’m glad they dropped racing games and concentrated on little games you might have heard of like Oblivion. But I digress.

Let’s just say that calling this title a "videogame" is being very generous. The graphics, (loud guffaw) were as bad as they could be for a PS2 game. The drag racing was boring and the resulting stats on what happened after the race were unreadable because the type was so tiny and fuzzy. Sure you won, but you didn’t know why or by how much.

I picked the game up for a paltry few bucks, but even so it wasn’t even worth that. The pain this game has caused me has traumatized me so much that I have stopped buying games from the bargain bin for fear of momentarily losing my mind and picking up another stinker like IHRA Racing 2.

What was the worst game you have ever played?


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