The Q: How many hours a week do you game?

dqI don’t know about the rest of you but my days are pretty hectic. Aside from writing for the good old GamerNode I also hold a regular old 40 hour a week job. It’s not necessarily 9-5 but it is still 40 hours every week. Pile on top of that the additional 8-10 I do at the third job I have and, well, I kind of run out of time to do things.

On average how many hours a week do you spend playing videogames?

I can say whole-heartedly I spend 30 minutes on my lunch break playing my DS, so that’s a measly 2.5 hours a week. Sometimes that’s it for the whole week. I try to get in an hour or two of console gaming on a nightly basis, but it usually works out to every other night.

So I’d say I spend about 7 hours a week gaming on average. Man, getting old sucks. I used to spend 7 hours a day gaming now I’m lucky to do that in a week. Cheer me up guys, please tell me you’re giving your systems more attention than I am giving mine.


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