The Q: What is your favorite console of all time?

Gamernode FeatureIf there was ever a question that could spark a hot internet debate, this is it.

In my time as a gamer, I’ve seen many videogame consoles come and go, as sure as the sun rises and sets each day. The one thing that remains the same is the fan support. Every console will have its diehard followers and its bitter opponents, but in the end, each one plays games relatively the same way as the others, and it’s really the software that counts. So my question to you is this:

Do you have an all-time favorite console? Which one?

I admit that I love asking these questions, yet I hate answering them. Indecision is a killer, so I’m just going to spit something out, even if I may change my mind later. I’ll go with the Nintendo 64 because it introduced the third dimension to videogames in the biggest way and came along at the perfect time in my life for me to enjoy videogames to the fullest. Obviously the N64 isn’t the best system of all time, and I could list a whole slew of its flaws, but it did have some of the best games in history, reintroduced the analog stick to gaming, and focused on playing videogames in a social setting. Good times.

[Eddie Inzauto]


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