The Q: What is your favorite Halo franchise moment?

dq Halo is a powerful franchise. It is probably the most powerful franchise to have debuted in the past 7 years. Last September when Halo 3 launched no other games came out for a week before or a week after in fear of being overlooked. Some even believe that Halo is the only reason the Xbox brand still exists. Now that is power.

While the multiplayer is where the majority of the fan base spends their time these days, we shouldn’t overlook the amazing single-player experience Bungie crafted. Religious themes, action packed scenarios and characters you really care about are all tied into the campaign.  With that said:

Within its single player mode, what is your favorite Halo moment?

I really want to hear story elements or encounters which have always left a memorable impression and given you a reason to go back to the world of Master Chief. The moment I keep thinking back to is from Halo 2, when Master Chief opens the door of the cargo bay and lets the bomb fly out of the ship and then grabs onto it and rides it towards the Covenant capital ship, letting it blow up inside as he makes his escape. It was crazy. That solidified me as a Halo fan.

[Question by Tim Mellish]


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