60GB PS3 to be discontinued by end of July in US

PS3 angleBy now, the news about the PS3 price drop has taken the gaming world by storm. But this good news will be bittersweet indeed as David Reeves, President of Sony Computer Entertainment of Europe, informed gameindustry.biz that the PS3 60GB model will no longer be available in the US after the stock runs out.

Reeves then went on to say that the price drop really wasn’t a price drop after all, but rather the clearing out of old stock at discounted prices. The replacement for the PS3 60GB model will be a new 80GB model that will cost $599 — the original price point of the PS3 60GB model.

So has there really been a price reduction? Reeves said quite candidly, "Well, they’re not really are they, because what the US are offering from the 1st of August is a USD 599 (80GB) version with one game."

"All they’re doing is taking their stock in trade that they’ve got at the moment of the 60GB model, marking the price down and it will all be gone by the end of July."

All we can say is, "Sony, you did it to us again."


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